
Εσείς που βρήκατε τον άνθρωπό σας
κι έχετε ένα χέρι να σας σϕίγγει τρυϕερά,
έναν ώμο ν’ ακουμπάτε την πίκρα σας,
ένα κορμί να υπερασπίζει την έξαψή σας,

κοκκινίσατε άραγε για την τόση ευτυχία σας,
έστω και μια ϕορά;
είπατε να κρατήσετε ενός λεπτού σιγή
για τους απεγνωσμένους;

Ντίνος Χριστιανόπουλος - Ενός Λεπτού Σιγή


Athens, Akominatou st.

neigh·bor·hood  [ney-ber-hood] noun/ opp# mine
1.the area or region around or near some place or thing; vicinity: the kids of the neighborhood; located in the neighborhood of Jackson and Vine streets.
2.a district or locality, often with reference to its character or inhabitants: a fashionable neighborhood; to move to a nicer neighborhood.
3.a number of persons living near one another or in a particular locality: The whole neighborhood was there.
4.neighborly feeling or conduct.
5. nearness; proximity: to sense the neighborhood of trouble.


a peaceful afternoon


all I wanted to do 
was rest my head on you


sweet home


let the music play